This post is about how I learnt keeping myself silent for 10 minutes daily and the magical effects of doing so which resulted in my journey to self-knowledge and self-exploration.
So, it all began with doing Pranayama while I was trying to recover from breathing issues. For those who dont know what Pranayama is, kindly google. One excercise is “Kapalbharti” wherein you exhale in small chunks through your nose by rapidly pushing stomach inwards. I would feel pretty relaxed after doing this excercise. I continued doing this for nearly 1 month when one day, I felt intense peace as my breathing slowed down. This was my first taste of meditation. After that day, I would wake up, sit and try slowing my breathing. After a certain point of slowing down, it felt intensely relaxed and peaceful. I would begin smiling and joyous from inside. This habit led into me being a better version of myself as I observed I was gaining better control on my mind’s activities. I was having more clear
and organized thoughts with better decision making abilities. But the most important thing which I learnt was that now I knew myself much closely and in a better way. I felt aligned with myself and would make choices which were beyond fear and doubts.
People who know and do meditation understand the significance of it. But I observe that meditation appears to be very difficult to many people and they usually are reluctant to adopting this as a practice. My journey began with doing few Pranayama and realising how slowing down & just being silent for few minutes can transform yourself in a magical way.
What I practice now is very simple. I keep myself Silent daily for 10 minutes in the morning and before going to bed. I would like you to start trying this if you want to experience a better version of yourself. The steps you can follow are listed below:
- When you wake up or when you are going to bed, remove pillow from under your head, keep your eyes closed, body relaxed and breathe deeply 9 times. Listen to the sound of your breath each time.
- Now inhale deep and hold your breath for slow count of 12. Exhale slowly and relax. Repeat this for 3 times.
- Utter in your mind “I am Silence (inhale), Silence is me (exhale).” while you are breathing slowly. Do this for 6 to 12 times.
Repeat this excercise for at least 7 days after which I am pretty confident that you will start experiencing some notable differences in yourself and your understanding of Self. My journey to realise the magic silence can bring in one’s life had been long and hence, I understand the challenges associated with remaining Silent in true sense. Believe me, it is not easy to stop you mind from chattering. But with the my own learning, I have figured out the method of keeping mind silent smoothly and I hope it helps you.
#meditation #selfgrowth #learning